/* --------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * VIEW Program: View the line segments from a global database.    *
 * Display areas of the Earth in stereographic projection at dif-  *
 * ferent scales and with different map center (tangency) points.  *
 * The user interface is simple: it provides for change of scale   *
 * and shift of map center point using the sign and arrow keys.    *
 * For each map scene, calculate its radius of view. Then retrieve *
 * from the coordinate file only those coastline segments that     *
 * might come into view. Draw the line segments, relaying on the   *
 * display-graphics to clip the parts still outside the window.    *
 * --------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include                    /* Using MS C 6.0 graphics... */

#include "algebra.c"

#define DISPL_WIDE 0.24                    /* screen width, meters */
#define DISPL_HIGH 0.18                   /* screen height, meters */
#define EARTH_RAD  6.371e6   /* approximate Earth's radius, meters */

#define MERIDIAN           1             /* grid drawing selectors */
#define PARALLEL           0

#define COLOR_FRAME        7
#define COLOR_GRID         1
#define COLOR_COAST        3
#define COLOR_SCALE        7

void drawDataLines(FILE *, FILE *);
void drawGrid(int, int);
void drawGridSegment(const struct ltln *, double, double, int);

static double         xfmArray[8];  /* Plane/display transfomation */
static double         maxDispDist;               /* Radius of view */
static struct vct3    displayCenter;      /* Map center, spherical */

void main(void) {

/* Initial map scale and center (projection plane tangency) point: */
   double             worldScale = 100.0e6;
   struct ltln        llStart = {DEG2RAD * 50.0, DEG2RAD * -100.0};

   struct plpt        pUpperLeft, pLowerRight, pNewCntr;
   struct dpxl        dUpperLeft, dUpperMid, dUpperRight,
                      dLowerLeft, dLowerMid, dLowerRight,
                      dLeftMid,   dRightMid, dNewCntr, dCntr;
   double             worldWide, worldHigh;
   struct videoconfig vcnfg;
   struct vct3        sphVx;
   int                ich;
   char               outStr[32];

   char              *fnIndex0      = "coast0.idx";
   char              *fnIndex1      = "coast1.idx";
   char              *fnCoordinates = "coast.dat";

   FILE              *fpIndex0;
   FILE              *fpIndex1;
   FILE              *fpCoordinates;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   LatLongToDcos3(&llStart, &displayCenter);  /* initial map center */

   if ((fpIndex0 = fopen(fnIndex0, "rb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Index file (%s) open failed.\n", fnIndex0);
   if ((fpIndex1 = fopen(fnIndex1, "rb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Index file (%s) open failed.\n", fnIndex1);
   if ((fpCoordinates = fopen(fnCoordinates, "rb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Data file (%s) open failed.\n", fnCoordinates);
   if (_setvideomode(_VRES16COLOR) == 0) {   /* assume VGA graphics */
      fprintf(stderr, "Graphics mode set failed.\n");

   dUpperLeft.x = dUpperLeft.y = 0;
   dLowerRight.x = vcnfg.numxpixels - 1;
   dLowerRight.y = vcnfg.numypixels - 1 - 20;

   _setcliprgn(dUpperLeft.x, dUpperLeft.y,
    dLowerRight.x, dLowerRight.y);

   dCntr.x = (dUpperLeft.x + dLowerRight.x)/2;
   dCntr.y = (dUpperLeft.y + dLowerRight.y)/2;

   dLowerLeft.x = dLeftMid.x = dUpperLeft.x;
   dUpperRight.x = dRightMid.x = dLowerRight.x;
   dUpperMid.x = dLowerMid.x = dCntr.x;

   dUpperRight.y = dUpperMid.y = dUpperLeft.y;
   dLowerLeft.y = dLowerMid.y = dLowerRight.y;
   dLeftMid.y = dRightMid.y = dCntr.y;

   for (;;) {
      worldWide = (worldScale * DISPL_WIDE) / EARTH_RAD;
      worldHigh = (worldScale * DISPL_HIGH) / EARTH_RAD;

      pUpperLeft.est  = -worldWide * 0.5;
      pUpperLeft.nrt  =  worldHigh * 0.5;
      pLowerRight.est =  worldWide * 0.5;
      pLowerRight.nrt = -worldHigh * 0.5;

       &pUpperLeft, &pLowerRight, &dUpperLeft, &dLowerRight);

      UnMapStereo(&displayCenter, &pUpperLeft, &sphVx);
      maxDispDist = ArcDist(&displayCenter, &sphVx);

      if      (worldScale > 10.0e6) drawGrid( 1,  1);
      else if (worldScale >  3.0e6) drawGrid( 2,  3);
      else                          drawGrid(10, 15);

      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 20);
      _outtext("Press space bar to interrupt this scene...");

      if (worldScale > 20.0e6) drawDataLines(fpIndex1, fpCoordinates);
      else                     drawDataLines(fpIndex0, fpCoordinates);

      sprintf(outStr, worldScale > 20.0e6 ?
       "1 : %.0lfM" : "1 : %.1lfM", worldScale / 1.0e6);
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows - 2, 37);

      _rectangle(_GBORDER, dUpperLeft.x, dUpperLeft.y,
       dLowerRight.x, dLowerRight.y);

      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 1);
      _outtext(" Press: (+)|(-) to change scale, (\x1b)|(\x18)|"
               "(\x19)|(\x1a) to move center, (Esc) to quit.");

      _settextcolor(COLOR_PROMPT_KEYS); /* highlight key characters */
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 10); _outtext("+");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 14); _outtext("-");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 35); _outtext("\x1b");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 39); _outtext("\x18");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 43); _outtext("\x19");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 47); _outtext("\x1a");
      _settextposition(vcnfg.numtextrows, 67); _outtext("Esc");

      do {
         if (ich = getch()) {   /* non-0 scan code, ACSII character */
            switch (ich) {
               case 45: worldScale *= 2.0; break;              /* - */
               case 43: worldScale /= 2.0; break;              /* + */
               case 27: _setvideomode(_DEFAULTMODE); exit(0);/* Esc */
               default: putch('\a'); ich = 0;        /* invalid key */
            if (ich) {         /* OK, scale changed, enforce limits */
               if (worldScale < 1.5625e6) worldScale = 1.5625e6;
               if (worldScale > 200.0e6) worldScale = 200.0e6;
         else {   /* arrow or diagonal key, move map tangency point */
            switch (ich = getch()) {    /* get "extended scan code" */
               case 73: dNewCntr = dUpperRight; break;  /* up/right */
               case 72: dNewCntr = dUpperMid;   break;        /* up */
               case 71: dNewCntr = dUpperLeft;  break;   /* up/left */
               case 75: dNewCntr = dLeftMid;    break;      /* left */
               case 79: dNewCntr = dLowerLeft;  break; /* down/left */
               case 76: dNewCntr = dCntr;       break; /* 5, center */
               case 80: dNewCntr = dLowerMid;   break;      /* down */
               case 81: dNewCntr = dLowerRight; break;/* down/right */
               case 77: dNewCntr = dRightMid;   break;     /* right */
               default: putch('\a'); ich = 0;        /* invalid key */
            if (ich) {              /* OK, center was re-positioned */
               DisplayToPlane(xfmArray, &dNewCntr, &pNewCntr);
               UnMapStereo(&displayCenter, &pNewCntr, &displayCenter);
         } while (ich == 0); /* i.e. until valid input was obtained */

/* ---- Traverse the Line Index and Display Close Line Segments ---- */
void drawDataLines(FILE *fpIndex, FILE *fpCoordinates) {
   struct indexRec    indexRec;
   struct lclpt       shortVx;
   struct vct3        sphereVx;
   struct plpt        stereoPlaneVx;
   struct dpxl        displayVx;
   double             s;
   int                i;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   rewind(fpIndex);    /* whole index will be searched sequentially */
   while (fread(&indexRec, sizeof(struct indexRec), 1, fpIndex)) {

      if (kbhit()) if (getch() == 32) break;    /* space bar, break */

/*    Skip line segments which are so far away from the display
      that they can't have any vertices in it...                    */

      if (ArcDist(&displayCenter, &indexRec.center)
       > maxDispDist + indexRec.radius) continue;

      s = indexRec.radius / LC_SCALE;
      fseek(fpCoordinates, indexRec.fileOffset, SEEK_SET);

      for (i = 0; i < indexRec.vertexCount; i++) {
         fread(&shortVx, sizeof(struct lclpt), 1, fpCoordinates);
         stereoPlaneVx.est = s * (double)shortVx.est;
         stereoPlaneVx.nrt = s * (double)shortVx.nrt;
         UnMapStereo(&indexRec.center, &stereoPlaneVx, &sphereVx);

         MapStereo(&displayCenter, &sphereVx, &stereoPlaneVx);
         PlaneToDisplay(xfmArray, &stereoPlaneVx, &displayVx);
         if (i == 0) _moveto(displayVx.x, displayVx.y);
         else _lineto(displayVx.x, displayVx.y);

/* ---- Display Latitude/Longitude "Rectangles" in the Display ---- */
#define RCT_LAT_DEG       10     /* Rectangle extent in latitude... */
#define RCT_LNG_DEG       15       /* ... and longitude, in degrees */
#define RCT_HALFDIAG_DEG   9     /* Rect. center-to-corner distance */
#define RCT_LAT_RAD (DEG2RAD * RCT_LAT_DEG)      /* same in radians */

void drawGrid(int densityLat, int densityLng) {
   struct ltln        llVx;
   struct vct3        sphereVx;
   double             sLat, sLng;
   int                i, j, k;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   for (i = -80; i <= 80; i += RCT_LAT_DEG) {
      for (j = -180; j < 180; j += RCT_LNG_DEG) {
         llVx.lat = i * DEG2RAD + 0.5 * RCT_LAT_RAD;
         llVx.lng = j * DEG2RAD + 0.5 * RCT_LNG_RAD;
         LatLongToDcos3(&llVx, &sphereVx); /* grid rectangle center */

         if (ArcDist(&displayCenter, &sphereVx)
          > maxDispDist + DEG2RAD * RCT_HALFDIAG_DEG) continue;

         sLat = (RCT_LAT_RAD / densityLat);
         sLng = (RCT_LNG_RAD / densityLng);
         for (k = 0; k < densityLat; k++) {
            llVx.lat = i * DEG2RAD + k * sLat;
            llVx.lng = j * DEG2RAD;
            drawGridSegment(&llVx, sLng / 4, RCT_LNG_RAD, PARALLEL);
         if (i == 80) continue;
         for (k = 0; k < densityLng; k++) {
            llVx.lat = i * DEG2RAD;
            llVx.lng = j * DEG2RAD + k * sLng;
            drawGridSegment(&llVx, sLat / 4, RCT_LAT_RAD, MERIDIAN);

/* ---- Display a Segment of a Meridian or a Parallel in Short Steps ---- */
void drawGridSegment(const struct ltln *llVxStart,
                     double step, double maxDist, int m) {
   struct ltln       llVx;
   struct vct3       sphereVx;
   struct plpt       stereoPlaneVx;
   struct dpxl       displayVx;
   double            d = 0.0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   LatLongToDcos3(llVxStart, &sphereVx);
   MapStereo(&displayCenter, &sphereVx, &stereoPlaneVx);
   PlaneToDisplay(xfmArray, &stereoPlaneVx, &displayVx);
   _moveto(displayVx.x, displayVx.y);
   do {
      d += step;
      if (d + 1.0e-10 > maxDist) d = maxDist;
      llVx.lat = llVxStart->lat + (m * d);         /*  is 0 or 1 */
      llVx.lng = llVxStart->lng + ((1 - m) * d);
      LatLongToDcos3(&llVx, &sphereVx);
      MapStereo(&displayCenter, &sphereVx, &stereoPlaneVx);
      PlaneToDisplay(xfmArray, &stereoPlaneVx, &displayVx);
      _lineto(displayVx.x, displayVx.y);
      } while (d != maxDist);