/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * BUILD Program: Construct a seamless global database of line      *
 * segments from text files defining the location of line vertices. *
 * Two levels of detail are provided: dense and sparse.  The input  *
 * consists of two flat ASCII text files; one each for dense and    *
 * sparse coastline segment vertices.  The segment is begun with a  *
 * line containing an asterisk marker (*) as its first character.   *
 * The remainder of such line is ignored, and may be used to name   *
 * the segment.  End-of-file is signalled by a similar marker line. *
 * Line segment vertex coordinates follow each marker line, one     *
 * latitude/longitude pair per line.  Coordinates are given in      *
 * degrees, as free-format, white-space or comma delimited decimal  *
 * fraction character strings.  Numbers are signed according to     *
 * the international geographic coordinates sign convention:        *
 * westerly longitudes and southerly latitudes are negative.        *
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "algebra.c"

#define  LINE_LNGTH  128
#define  MAX_VRTX   1024

void buildFiles(FILE *, FILE *, FILE *);

void main(void) {
   FILE  *fpTextLines;
   FILE  *fpIndex;
   FILE  *fpCoords;
   char  *fnTextLines0 = "coast0.lns";      /* dense input segments */
   char  *fnTextLines1 = "coast1.lns";     /* sparse input segments */
   char  *fnIndex0     = "coast0.idx";      /* dense database index */
   char  *fnIndex1     = "coast1.idx";     /* sparse database index */
   char  *fnCoords     = "coast.dat";  /* composite coordinate file */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   if ((fpTextLines = fopen(fnTextLines1, "rt")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Input file (%s) open failed.\n", fnTextLines1);
   if ((fpIndex = fopen(fnIndex1, "wb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Index file (%s) open failed.\n", fnIndex1);
   if ((fpCoords = fopen(fnCoords, "wb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Data file (%s) open failed.\n", fnCoords);
   fprintf(stderr, "\nSparse line segment input file...\n");
   buildFiles(fpTextLines, fpIndex, fpCoords);

   fclose(fpIndex);    /* Note that the coordinate file stays open! */

   if ((fpTextLines = fopen(fnTextLines0, "rt")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Input file (%s) open failed.\n", fnTextLines0);
   if ((fpIndex = fopen(fnIndex0, "wb")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Index file (%s) open failed.\n", fnIndex0);

   fprintf(stderr, "\nDense line segment input file...\n");
   buildFiles(fpTextLines, fpIndex, fpCoords);


   fprintf(stderr, "\nTwo-level coastline database created:\n");
   fprintf(stderr, "Index files: %s, %s\n", fnIndex0, fnIndex1);
   fprintf(stderr, "Coordinate data file: %s\n", fnCoords);

/* ---- Read Line Segment File, Write Index File and Vertex Coordinates ---- */
void buildFiles(FILE *fpTextLines, FILE *fpIndex, FILE *fpCoords) {
   static struct vct3 vertex[MAX_VRTX];
   struct indexRec    indexRec;
   struct plpt        stereoPlaneVertex;
   struct ltln        inVertex;
   struct lclpt       shortVertex;
   double             s, d;
   int                i, fileLine, lineCount;
   long               totalVertexCount;
   char               inLine[LINE_LNGTH + 1];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   fileLine = lineCount = indexRec.vertexCount = 0;
   indexRec.segmentId = 0;
   totalVertexCount = 0L;

   while (fgets(inLine, LINE_LNGTH, fpTextLines)) {
      if (inLine[0] == '*') {  /* line segment header, end-of-file? */
         if (indexRec.vertexCount) { /* process accumulated segment */
            fprintf(stderr,"line:%d vertices:%d \r",
             lineCount, indexRec.vertexCount);

            indexRec.center.di = 0.0;       /* find object "center" */
            indexRec.center.dj = 0.0;
            indexRec.center.dk = 0.0;
            for (i = 0; i < indexRec.vertexCount; i++) {
               indexRec.center.di += vertex[i].di;
               indexRec.center.dj += vertex[i].dj;
               indexRec.center.dk += vertex[i].dk;

            indexRec.radius = 0.0;    /* center-far-vertex distance */
            for (i = 0; i < indexRec.vertexCount; i++) {
               d = ArcDist(&indexRec.center, vertex + i);
               if (d > indexRec.radius) indexRec.radius = d;
            if (indexRec.radius < 1.0e-10) {
               indexRec.radius = 0.0;
               s = 0.0;
            else s = LC_SCALE / indexRec.radius;

            indexRec.fileOffset = ftell(fpCoords);
            fwrite(&indexRec, sizeof(struct indexRec), 1, fpIndex);

            for (i = 0; i < indexRec.vertexCount; i++) {
               MapStereo(&indexRec.center, vertex + i,
                shortVertex.est = (short)(s * stereoPlaneVertex.est);
                shortVertex.nrt = (short)(s * stereoPlaneVertex.nrt);
               fwrite(&shortVertex, sizeof(struct lclpt),1, fpCoords);
            totalVertexCount += indexRec.vertexCount;
            indexRec.vertexCount = 0;
      else {           /* next in a series of line segment vertices */
         inVertex.lat = DEG2RAD * atof(strtok(inLine, " ,\t\n"));
         inVertex.lng = DEG2RAD * atof(strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n"));
         if (((fabs(inVertex.lat) < 1.0e-10)
           && (fabs(inVertex.lng) < 1.0e-10)) /* 0.0 lat, 0.0 long? */
          || (fabs(inVertex.lat) > 0.5 * PI)
          || (fabs(inVertex.lng) > PI)) { /* lat/long out of range? */
            fprintf(stderr,"\nBad data, file line %d", fileLine);
         if (indexRec.vertexCount == MAX_VRTX) {
            fprintf(stderr,"\nSegment vertex buffer overflow...");
         LatLongToDcos3(&inVertex, vertex + indexRec.vertexCount++);
   fprintf(stderr,"...processed, line segments:%d, vertices:%ld\n",
    lineCount, totalVertexCount);